Sharon Vogel

Advisory Council, At Large - Native

Sharon Vogel

Sharon Vogel is the executive director of the Cheyenne River Housing Authority on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. For the past 19 years, Vogel has worked in the Indian housing field. In her current role as executive director of the Cheyenne River Housing Authority, she works in policy development and compliance, prepares annual Indian housing plans and reports, ensures compliance with approved grant activities and develops organizational goals and objectives.

Beyond serving members of the Cheyenne Rivers Sioux Tribe, Vogel is a recognized leader in Indian Housing on the regional and national levels. She currently serves as the Region 3 board representative to the National American Indian Housing Council and serves as president of United Native American Housing Association. In addition, Vogel is a leader of the statewide South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition, where she serves as the co-chair of the policy committee as well as a member of the executive committee.

Vogel serves as an at large member of the Advisory Council and began her three-year term on January 1, 2025.