Member Credit
As your trusted partner, FHLB Des Moines wants to ensure that you have the ability to continue to utilize Bank products and services.
The creditworthiness of financial institutions that transact business with FHLB Des Moines is determined by the Credit Department. The results of the analysis performed by the Credit Department are used to determine eligibility for FHLB Des Moines membership or financial limits on activity by individual members or other entities.
Member Credit Capacity Review
Each quarter, members' assigned credit capacities are reviewed utilizing various sources of information. This review process utilizes report of examination findings, regulatory financial reports, enforcement actions, SEC filings, audited financial statements, rating agencies' analysis, discussions with member management and/or regulators, and any other relevant material information. Material changes in financial condition, including events that occurred subsequent to the quarterly information used in the analysis, may have an impact on a member’s assigned credit capacity.
Members are generally notified in advance of potential declines in their credit capacity and given the opportunity to provide additional information to be considered in the credit assessment process. A final credit capacity is then assigned that will remain in effect until the next quarterly credit review or upon receipt of new credit-related information, whichever comes first.