Selection Process for Advisory Council
Selection Process for Advisory Council
How are FHLB Des Moines Advisory Council members selected?
- The Housing and Community Investment Committee shall appoint an Advisory Council of 15 individuals who reside in the Bank’s district.
- One Advisory Council member shall be appointed from each state in the Bank’s 13-state district.
- Two Advisory Council members shall be appointed to serve in an at-large capacity as determined by the Housing and Community Investment Committee.
Advisory Council members shall be drawn from organizations that are actively involved in providing or promoting low- and moderate-income housing, and community and not-for-profit organizations that are actively involved in providing or promoting community lending, in the District. Advisory Council members shall represent a diverse range of organizations so that representatives of no one group constitute an undue proportion of the membership of the Advisory Council. The Housing and Community Investment Committee will consider diversity and inclusion principles when making Advisory Council appointments.
Advisory Council members shall be appointed to serve for terms of three years, which shall be staggered to provide continuity in experience and service, except that Advisory Council members may be appointed to serve for terms of one or two years solely for the purpose of reconfiguring the staggering of three-year terms.
View our Advisory Council