Every day in the United States, 37,878 veterans are experiencing homelessness. Veterans make up about 9% of all homeless adults, and an additional 1.4 million veterans are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing. Most of America’s homeless veterans are men (90.8%).
These veterans have served in wars that include World War II, the Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Persian Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF/OIF). Nearly 50% of homeless veterans served during the Vietnam War era. Two-thirds served for at least three years and one-third were stationed in a war zone.
Many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and sexual trauma, which contribute to their precarious living situation and isolation, and serve as an obstacle to recovery and stabilization.
reStart is a low to no barrier non-profit in Kansas City that provides a continuum of housing services to youth, families, veterans and individuals who are at imminent risk or who are currently experiencing homelessness. reStart offers the following services: homeless prevention, Street Outreach, Rapid Re-Housing, Transitional Housing, Emergency Shelter, Permanent Housing.
reStart’s Victory for Vets represents three levels of programs and support for veterans and veteran families. Health Care for Homeless Veterans serves up to 20 veterans at one time. Each veteran shares a two-bedroom suite and bathroom with a fellow veteran in Emergency Shelter.
While in shelter veterans are provided three meals per day, case management, access to support groups, transportation to and from medical appointments, assistance enrolling for benefits, and employment assistance. When the veteran transitions to permanent housing, reStart continues to provide rental assistance and ongoing case management. In 2018, reStart served 68 veterans through the Health Care for Homeless Veterans program.
Supportive Services for Veterans Familiesis provided by reStart through a national program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Connecting with veterans in the community is a core component of the Supportive Services for Veterans and Families. This program also provides short term financial assistance, case management, educational and employment assistance.
reStart is also able to support veterans and their families with comprehensive services that include access healthcare, mental healthcare, substance abuse services, and legal services.
The final veteran specific program is reStart’s Home Again. Home Again provides permanent supportive housing and customized supportive services in a scattered site setting to 9 chronically homeless adult veterans. Home Again also provides ongoing rental assistance and case management serves.
In 2018, reStart served 237 veterans, helping 70 veterans remain in their home, and assisted 151 veterans’ secure long-term, affordable, permanent housing solutions.
reStarts focus on quality programming for veterans allowed 62.8% of veterans to exit homelessness, this is much higher than the national average 41.3% of homeless persons that transition to permanent housing.