Loan-to-Value Discount

Loan-to-Value (LTV) Discounts are applied to the current eligible value of collateral when determining the Advance Equivalent amount which is the maximum collateral value that assets pledged to FHLB Des Moines receive.

LTV Discounts are applied to the eligible unpaid principal balance of loans that are not priced, the market value of priced loans, and the market value of all securities. LTV Discounts are periodically analyzed and adjusted when necessary. Members are notified in advance when changes occur. The charts below can assist in determining the applicable LTV Discount for your pledged collateral asset.

Note: The Bank implemented new loan collateral LTV Discounts on March 10, 2025. View details of these changes here

LTV Discount Charts

Credit Capacity

A member’s credit rating, established by the FHLB Des Moines credit department determines the maximum amount of borrowing capacity. 

Contact the Collateral Department with any questions you have.