
Our broad menu of short-term and long-term funding options provide members with reliable, cost-effective liquidity to manage capital and interest rate risk for their institutions.

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Fixed-Rate Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

TermAdvance Rate
RegularDividend Adjusted Rate*SymmetricalCIA
Prev Daily Reset4.560%4.120%  
Daily Reset4.566%4.126%  
1 Day4.536%4.096%  
1 Week4.526%4.086%  
2 Weeks4.521%4.081%  
3 Weeks4.517%4.077%  
1 Month4.522%4.082%  
2 Months4.515%4.075%  
3 Months4.485%4.045%  
4 Months4.440%4.00%  
5 Months4.394%3.954%  
6 Months4.354%3.914%  
7 Months4.311%3.871%  
8 Months4.275%3.835%  
9 Months4.242%3.802%  
10 Months4.211%3.771%  
11 Months4.188%3.748%  
1 Year4.146%3.706%4.196%4.066%
1.5 Years4.071%3.631%4.121%3.991%
2 Years4.049%3.609%4.099%3.969%
3 Years4.046%3.606%4.096%3.966%
4 Years4.089%3.649%4.139%4.009%
5 Years4.120%3.680%4.170%4.040%
6 Years4.272%3.832%4.322%4.192%
7 Years4.346%3.906%4.396%4.266%
8 Years4.409%3.969%4.459%4.329%
9 Years4.485%4.045%4.535%4.405%
10 Years4.509%4.069%4.559%4.429%
11 Years4.540%4.100% 4.460%
12 Years4.582%4.142% 4.502%
13 Years4.632%4.192% 4.552%
14 Years4.689%4.249% 4.609%
15 Years4.754%4.314% 4.674%
16 Years4.794%4.354% 4.714%
17 Years4.842%4.402% 4.762%
18 Years4.896%4.456% 4.816%
19 Years4.957%4.517% 4.877%
20 Years5.024%4.584% 4.944%
25 Years5.081%4.641% 5.001%
30 Years5.117%4.677% 5.037%


* The dividend adjusted rate is an approximation based off of our current stock requirement and current dividend payment. This is an approximation only. For alternative dividend adjusted calculations, please consider using our dividend calculator. These calculations are indications only.


For additional product details, please review our product suite.

For Fixed-Rate Advances not listed above, please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122.

The minimum size for advances eligible for the symmetrical prepayment feature is $1 million and maximum term to maturity of 10 years.

Interest on advances due monthly, calculated from settlement date, and at maturity with terms greater than 30 days.

Other terms and conditions may apply.

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

Amortizing Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

TermAmort.Amort. DelayAmort. Freq.Pre-Pay Option1Advance Rate
Reg.Div. Adjust*Sym.CIA
5 Years10 Years Annual3 Years4.446%4.006% 4.366%
5 Years15 Years MonthlyNone4.114%3.674%4.164%4.034%
5 Years20 Years MonthlyNone4.117%3.677%4.167%4.037%
5 Years25 Years MonthlyNone4.118%3.678%4.168%4.038%
7 Years6.5 Years6 MonthsMonthlyNone4.174%3.734%4.224%4.094%
7 Years20 Years MonthlyNone4.318%3.878%4.368%4.238%
7 Years30 Years MonthlyNone4.332%3.892%4.382%4.252%
10 Years9 Years12 MonthsMonthlyNone4.320%3.880%4.370%4.240%
10 Years10 Years MonthlyNone4.320%3.880%4.370%4.240%
10 Years10 Years Monthly5 Years4.472%4.032% 4.392%
10 Years15 Years MonthlyNone4.423%3.983%4.473%4.343%
10 Years15 Years Monthly5 Years4.691%4.251% 4.611%
10 Years20 Years MonthlyNone4.458%4.018%4.508%4.378%
10 Years20 Years Monthly5 Years4.773%4.333% 4.693%
13 Years15 Years AnnualNone4.579%4.139%4.629%4.499%
15 Years10 Years60 MonthsMonthly7 Years4.864%4.424% 4.784%
15 Years12 Years36 MonthsMonthly5 Years4.926%4.486% 4.846%
15 Years15 Years MonthlyNone4.500%4.060%4.550%4.420%
15 Years15 Years Monthly5 Years4.830%4.390% 4.750%
15 Years15 Years Annual5 Years4.964%4.524% 4.884%
15 Years25 Years Monthly5 Years5.149%4.709% 5.069%
15 Years30 Years Monthly7 Years5.065%4.625% 4.985%
20 Years19 Years12 MonthsMonthly5 Years5.143%4.703% 5.063%


* The dividend adjusted rate is an approximation based off of our current stock requirement and current dividend payment. This is an approximation only. For alternative dividend adjusted calculations, please consider using our dividend calculator. These calculations are indications only.

1. Earliest opportunity member has the option to pre-pay without a fee.


For additional product details, please review our product suite.

For Amortizing Advances not listed above, please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122.

The minimum size for advances eligible for the symmetrical prepayment feature is $1 million and maximum term to maturity of 10 years.

Amortizing advance rates are based upon level payments (i.e. not straight line) over the life of the advance.

Other terms and conditions may apply.

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

Straight Line Amortizing Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

Advance Term/AmortizationPayment TypePayment FrequencyAdvance Rates
RegularDividend Adjusted Rate*CIA
2 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.120%3.680%4.040%
3 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.078%3.638%3.998%
4 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.074%3.634%3.994%
5 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.085%3.645%4.005%
7 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.169%3.729%4.089%
10 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.305%3.865%4.225%
15 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.471%4.031%4.391%
20 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.633%4.193%4.553%
30 YearsLevel PrincipalMonthly4.845%4.405%4.765%


* The dividend adjusted rate is an approximation based off of our current stock requirement and current dividend payment. This is an approximation only. For alternative dividend adjusted calculations, please consider using our dividend calculator. These calculations are indications only.


Maximum advance term of 30 years.

Fully amortized at maturity.

Eligible for Community Investment Advance and symmetrical prepayment pricing.

The minimum size for advances eligible for the symmetrical prepayment feature is $1 million and maximum term to maturity of 10 years.

Interest calculated on an actual/360 basis.

For structures not listed above, please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122.

Other terms and conditions may apply.

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

Member Option Variable-Rate Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

TermRate Reset FrequencyAdvance Rate1
1 Year3 Months4.662%
2 Years3 Months4.782%
3 Years3 Months4.832%
4 Years3 Months4.881%
5 Years3 Months4.904%


1. A volume surcharge of 25bps applies to callable advances issued in excess of $20 billion of a member’s callable advance total


Advances may only be prepaid in full on scheduled rate reset dates with proper notice, no earlier than 6 months after settlement date.

Minimum advance size of $500,000 in $100,000 increments. Other terms and conditions may apply.

For additional details, please review our product suite.

For Member Option Variable-Rate Advances not listed above, please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122.

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

Member Option Fixed-Rate Advances

Please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122 for current rate indications.

If you would like to learn more about this product, please refer to our product suite

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

SOFR Indexed Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

TermSpread to SOFRCIA Spread to SOFR
1 Year0.266%0.135%
2 Years0.386%0.254%
3 Years0.436%0.304%
5 Years0.508%0.376%
7 Years0.702%0.569%
10 Years0.815%0.681%

Forward Starting Fixed-Rate Advances

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Indications as of 3/10/2025 at 8:49 AM

TermForward StartAdvance Rate
RegularDividend Adjusted Rate*Rate w/o Forward Start
1 Years3 Months4.030%3.590%4.146%
1 Years6 Months3.937%3.497%4.146%
2 Years6 Months3.964%3.524%4.049%
2 Years1 Year3.993%3.553%4.049%
3 Years3 Months4.023%3.583%4.046%
3 Years6 Months4.018%3.578%4.046%
3 Years1 Year4.069%3.629%4.046%
5 Years3 Months4.145%3.705%4.120%
5 Years6 Months4.184%3.744%4.120%
5 Years1 Year4.300%3.860%4.120%
5 Years2 Years4.483%4.043%4.120%
7 Years3 Months4.359%3.919%4.346%
7 Years6 Months4.381%3.941%4.346%
7 Years1 Year4.454%4.014%4.346%
10 Years3 Months4.519%4.079%4.509%
10 Years6 Months4.536%4.096%4.509%
10 Years1 Year4.590%4.150%4.509%
15 Years3 Months4.772%4.332%4.754%
15 Years6 Months4.794%4.354%4.754%
15 Years1 Year4.855%4.415%4.754%
20 Years3 Months5.036%4.596%5.024%
20 Years6 Months5.051%4.611%5.024%
20 Years1 Year5.093%4.653%5.024%


* The dividend adjusted rate is an approximation based off of our current stock requirement and current dividend payment. This is an approximation only. For alternative dividend adjusted calculations, please consider using our dividend calculator. These calculations are indications only.


Minimum advance size of $1 million. Advance maturity plus forward starting period cannot exceed 30 years.

Mandatory settlement and only at the end of the forward start period.

Please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122 for more information or learn more about this product by referring to our product suite

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.

Callable SOFR Advances

Please contact the Money Desk at 800.544.3452, ext. 2122 for current rate indications.

If you would like to learn more about this product, please refer to our product suite

Rates are indications only and are subject to market conditions.