Affordable Housing Advisory Council Application Form

Through Friday, August 2, 2024, FHLB Des Moines is accepting applications for one open Affordable Housing Advisory Council (Advisory Council) position:

  • Designated to represent the affordable housing and community lending needs of Native communities

The term of service for the new Advisory Council member will begin on January 1, 2025, and conclude on December 31, 2027.

The appointed Advisory Council member will remain eligible to use FHLB Des Moines Community Investment products, including the Competitive Affordable Housing Program, Home$tart® and the Native American Homeownership Initiative.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Advisory Council applicants must represent community and nonprofit organizations actively involved in providing or promoting low- and moderate-income housing or community lending in the Bank's district; community organizations include for-profit organizations
  • Applicants must have experience supporting Native communities, which may include working with Native people and/or tribal housing authorities
  • Applicants for the Advisory Council position must reside in the district
  • Applicants are not eligible to serve on the Advisory Council if they are an employee or a member of the Board of Directors for a FHLB Des Moines member financial institution
  • Complete application by August 2, 2024, deadline

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

FHLB Des Moines is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in all its activities, including the Advisory Council. We are committed to seeking Advisory Council representation reflective of the communities our members serve and we strongly encourage diverse individuals (i.e. women, members of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) community and individuals with disabilities) to apply. Please refer to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion page for additional information.

Roles and Expectations

  • The Advisory Council meets at least quarterly with the FHLB Des Moines Board of Directors to provide advice on ways the Bank may carry out its housing finance and community investment mission, which includes, among other things, recommendations for policies governing the Bank's Affordable Housing Program (AHP) and its down payment assistance products
  • For example, the Advisory Council provides recommendations for the Bank's AHP Implementation Plan, which sets forth requirements such as:
    • Competitive AHP scoring criteria, eligibility requirements and feasibility guidelines
    • Allocation of funds among Competitive AHP, Home$tart and NAHI
    • Maximum award amounts for Competitive AHP, Home$tart and NAHI
    • Program requirements for Home$tart and NAHI
  • The Advisory Council also provides recommendations for the Bank's Targeted Community Lending Plan, which:
    • Describes how the Bank will address unmet credit needs and market opportunities for targeted community lending in its district
    • Identifies significant affordable housing needs in the Bank's district that will be addressed through AHP
  • FHLB Des Moines covers Advisory Council member travel expenses associated with attendance at these meetings
  • Advisory Council members are expected to attend all Advisory Council meetings held during their term

Advisory Council Application Form

Important: Progress on the application form below cannot be saved and continued later. Please have all the necessary information and responses prepared prior to completing the form.


  • Responses to all questions denoted with a star are required
  • Resumes and/or biographies are encouraged
  • Letters of Endorsement are optional
  • For questions, contact Jennifer Ernst at or 515.412.2756

The deadline to submit an application is Friday, August 2, 2024.

Employees or directors of FHLB Des Moines member institutions are not eligible to apply. 

All fields marked with * are required.

Eligibility Confirmation
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you are ineligible to apply. If you answered "No", please continue onto application.

Advisory Council Applicant Information (to be completed by the applicant)


Background Check

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

FHLB Des Moines is committed to seeking diverse Advisory Council representation, reflective of the communities our members serve, and we strongly encourage members of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) communities to apply. To assist us in our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, we would appreciate your voluntary response to the questions below: